Under Omache's Eye

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everybody! I hope everybody is having a great time with your families and friends. I sure am. I got a lot of money which will be really helpful with my purchasing of textbooks next semester. I also got a new dagger. It has the mark of the Roman Legions on it and comes in a really cool metal sheath. I'm going to have to leave it here though because I'm not supposed to have swords and daggers on campus. Its also a very real possibility that I'll be able to move off-campus into an apartment next year. You hear that Roomie? That would be really convenient and also probably cheaper. It would just have to be close to campus because my poor ass can't afford a vehicle. The only thing I'll need is one or two roommates. Hint hint Francis. Aaron's birthday was really fun. I got to meet his girlfriend and she seems pretty cool. We went and saw Return of the King at the AMC theater in Seattle. About fifteen minutes into it, the fire alarm went off and they had to evacuate the mall. It was a false alarm and everybody got free movie tickets to show for it. We also went out to eat at a very nice restaurant and I ordered the cheapest thing on the menu. It was a really good cheeseburger though. Hehe. Okay, you know how I was talking about how another person with the same name as me is on the TSA list of who to watch out for? A thought occurred to me the other day. What if its my father? My low-life, pig of a father? We share the same name. That would be really creepy. Its possible. How many other people have the name Christopher Paul? Oh well, it's not a very big deal. In the meantime, I hope everybody is rocking out with their cocks out on Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Yeah, I know; its been a long time since I blogged. Just wanted to tell everyone that I'm not dead. I've been hanging out with Rena a whole bunch, so you all know why I haven't been blogging. Tomorrow, I'm leaving with Rena and my mom to go down to Salem, Oregon. We're going to go see my sister and brother-in-law. I'm pretty excited. Its been a year since I've seen either of them and not since they've gotten married. On Monday, I'm going to hang out with my friend Aaron because its his 20th birthday. Power to the December babies! Anyway, I hope everybody is having a great Winter break.

Sunday, December 14, 2003

I'm back!

I'm so glad I'm back home. I couldn't wipe that stupid grin off my face when we were landing. Today I get to see my girlfriend again! Its been so long. The anticipation is killing me. Anyways, the plane trip went better than my plane trips usually go. The only real problem was getting through security. Now get this: Apparently, there is another guy with the name Christopher Paul and he is on this list that all the airlines are supposed to watch out for. They cleared me once they figured out I wasn't the same guy and I got my boarding pass. Now, I made my way over to the security checkpoint. They ran my name through the computer there and I got picked for a "random" searching. I got patted down and everything. WOOT! Then they checked through all of my carry-on. They didn't just look through it, they tore it apart. The guy was puzzled over my tuba mouthpiece. After all that, they realized I wasn't a terrorist and I was allowed to go to my terminal. I met no real resistance after that and a short 8 hours later, I was landing in Washington. Boo-yah!

Wednesday, December 10, 2003


One of my friends made this site a little over a year ago. Its about him in his friends in some place called Frozen. Its supposedly haunted and the pictures are really creepy. I suggest everybody check it out.

Its 9:30 and the day has already started sucking. Apparently, some guy had puked all over our floor's bathroom. This morning, the whole bathroom smelled terrible. It was hard to breathe in there. I almost puked myself while I was peeing. There was no way I was going to take a shower in that bathroom. I had woken up a half hour early today so that I could actually eat breakfast. There have been very few times I have eaten breakfast this morning. So I get over to Alumni Cafeteria and they're closed! They don't open until 11:00. What a bunch of crap that is. So I decided to go to work a half hour early. Hopefully, I'll cheer up by the end of the day. Our Tuba/Euph. Ensemble has two gigs today playing Christmas music. We have one at the retirement center and one at the hospital. That should be fun. I'm sure after a few hours of playing Christmas music, I'll be sick of it for another year; but it will be fun to hang out with my friends there. Today is our "Reading Day", so nobody has any finals. I'm only planning on studying for about 45 minutes today though as there isn't much need to study for my theory and reading finals. Either I know it or I don't.

By the way, everybody, I had a good birthday. Although I did study the entire second half of my birthday off, a lot of people told me happy birthday and that made me feel good. My favorite present of all was definitely the one from Rena. She made me a CD of all the songs that remind her of me. It was soooo sweet and made me grin stupidly. I also bought Final Fantasy X-2 which is pretty badass so far. I only started playing it yesterday because of my finals, but now I'm pretty much over and it feels pretty damn good. :)

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

And the Week Continues...

Today was definitely the worst of the days of the entire week. This morning I had my biology final. When he was passing out the scantron sheets for the multiple-choice portion, he whispered to me. He said that I'm the only one in the class that has an "A" in the class going into the final. But I know its only like a 90 then. So whatever I get on the final will be my final grade. No pressure! The test consisted of 25 multiple choice questions and 10 essays. It took me the better part of two hours to complete. I was also the last person to finish the test. I seriously don't know if I got an "A" or not on it. It will be close. I guess I'll find out when grades come out. I just got done taking the Music Literature final. I think I got a 'C' on it which will definitely be good enough for me. Some of the stuff we have to learn in that class is just plain stupid and I'm glad I'm finally done with it after a year. All I have left now is Music Reading and Theory.....

Monday, December 08, 2003

Finals Week

Finals week started today. This morning I had my jury. I was playing my scales surprisingly well, but after all of them, they wanted me to play 'd' harmonic minor again. Since I was already pretty nervous, this didn't bode so well for me. I forgot in and kept playing the wrong notes. After like four or five trys, I finally played it right. Since that was really the only one that gave me trouble, I'm pretty sure that I passed all of my scales. After that, I played my jury piece and it went pretty well. I wasn't the best I've played it but that is to be expected when your really nervous. I missed my high 'F' in the first movement but nailed my high 'G' in the second. I think it sounded really good and I hope I did well. At 1:30 today, I have a symphony band audition. There is one tuba opening and I hope to get it. Unfortunately, I don't think I will simply because I have one equal and another tuba player that is better than me. So unless he messes up his audition, I probably won't get it. But maybe I'll just have a really good audition and I'll be able to play challenging music in band. I also am making up a piano test today at three o'clock. I probably won't do terrific at it, but I'll be happy if I can just get through them at this point. Tomorrow, I have a biology final in the morning and a music lit. final right after that. I'm really nervous about those because there's a very real possibility that they'll kick my ass. With that, I guess I start studying some more. Good luck to everybody else who has finals right now!

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Today I've added a lot new things to my sidebar. I hope everybody likes it!

Friday, December 05, 2003

Here's a cool picture of me teaching cub scouts stuff about nature. This is at Camp Brinkley in 2002 and the theme that year was Camp Congo Safari. My cool kid name was Garamba. I ran "Garamba's Explorer Post #203". The first 202 sank into the bog. The area is also known as the Cascade Reservation Center for Environmental Studies and Planetary Sciences, aka the Nature Area. I was the Director of the area that year. See Rena? You're not the only one who can steal pics off of other people's websites. Also, here's another picture of Mt. Pilchuck with slightly more snow than usual on it. You can never get tired of looking at pictures of Mr. Pilchuck!

Recently, I've gone to thespark.com and taken some tests. Two of them that caught my interest were the gay test and the gender test. Now, a lot of people sometimes mistake me for being gay so I took the gay test first. I was really surprised by outcome. I am 37% gay which is 2% lower than the average straight male. Then I took the gender test. They were 86% sure that I was a female. I found this to be hilarious. Now, because of these two outcomes, I determined that I must be a lesbian. Does anybody else have any feed back on what I am, it would be appreciated. And no, I'm not gay.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

More Pigott pictures

Here are some more Camp Pigott pictures. They're with Troop 600 and some Webelos. I personally like the picture of the campfire. The hypnotic characteristics of fire dazzle me even on pictures.

Biology Class

My biology teacher told us a very disturbing, yet funny, story today in class. Anyways, before I tell everybody the story, I'm going to give you all a brief anatomy lesson. Females have this muscle called the cervix in their vagina. When women get old, sometimes the cervix will simply fall out. At this point, the ovaries and that stuff will start to slide out over time. Even though I'm a man and for that reason alone don't know exactly what I'm talking about, I can safely assume that its not the most comfortable feeling in the world. Anyways, on to the story. Our teacher Mike was back in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving; he lives there. One of this friends works at a hospital and he was telling about his day at work. There was a woman wearing a large dress that came into the hospital. When he asked her what the problem was, she said, "I've got taters in my virginy." He didn't exactly understand, he doesn't usually hear that from his patients. So when asked again, she repeated, "I've got taters in my virginy." Finally, he looked. He lifted up her dress and was very surprised to find a shrub growing there. What had happened was that, three months ago, she had felt that uncomfortable experience I explained earlier. In an attempt to not let anything come out, she put three potatoes up her vagina. Three potatoes! Yuck. Well, potatoes like moist and warm places. They sent out roots and started growing in her vagina. After hearing this, I give this advice to all females: "Never stick potatoes up you hoo-hahs!" Thank you for your time.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I felt like I got something accomplished today! I practiced for a good 45 minutes this morning before music reading class. During this time, I spent a half hours on just my minor scales. I played through them many times and I think I might be able to get all of them under my fingers by Friday. Dr. Baker, my tuba professor, had me sign up for two jury slots because its going to take me awhile to play through everything I have to play. I also played through my jury piece and did it relatively well. The piece itself has over a three-octave range, which is enormous, and I didn't have too much trouble playing my upper range. It goes up to a G in the treble clef staff. That's pretty freakin' high for a tuba seen as I'm most comfortable playing below the bass clef staff. Dr. Baker has been so happy with my improvement this semester that she's going to start having learn how to play the F tuba. I'm on a C right now. I turned in my term paper today for music theory. I'm just so relieved that its finally finished. Our concert band concert is on Thursday and we've been having extra rehearsals to get ready for it in time. I'm so sick of the music we're playing. But of course, I always am by the end of a semester. I love performing it though and I think its going to be really good. All I have really got left is four reports on Journal entries for Tuba/Euph. Ensemble, and practicing for my jury and for piano. Other than that its just a whole buttload of studying. Which I guess I'll get back to now. The countdown is 11 days 'till I come home. Yay!

Monday, December 01, 2003

I can't wait 'till this semester is over. I started my last week of classes today and next week I have finals. Last night at 2:30, I finally finished my term paper for Music Theory IV. I'm so glad I'm finally done with that. Although I have that done, I still have an impossible amount of work to do before next week. My thanksgiving break was awesome and much needed. I got out of Morehead and had Starbucks! Oh, I missed my Starbucks very much indeed. I got my Strong Bad cd before I left and its awesome. I love the new techno song. Today we have our last Phi Mu Alpha meeting of the semester. Its really weird because it just doesn't seem like we've had that many meetings this year. Oh well, I'm coming home in less than two weeks and I can't wait. I hadn't practiced my tuba at all this break and I was supposed to have a lesson this morning. I told her that I wasn't at all prepared for my lesson and we rescheduled it to Friday. That gives me four days to be able to play the rest of my harmonic and melodic minor scales from memory. There is still a huge amount of piano practicing for me to do, but I'm finally getting there.