Under Omache's Eye

Monday, December 08, 2003

Finals Week

Finals week started today. This morning I had my jury. I was playing my scales surprisingly well, but after all of them, they wanted me to play 'd' harmonic minor again. Since I was already pretty nervous, this didn't bode so well for me. I forgot in and kept playing the wrong notes. After like four or five trys, I finally played it right. Since that was really the only one that gave me trouble, I'm pretty sure that I passed all of my scales. After that, I played my jury piece and it went pretty well. I wasn't the best I've played it but that is to be expected when your really nervous. I missed my high 'F' in the first movement but nailed my high 'G' in the second. I think it sounded really good and I hope I did well. At 1:30 today, I have a symphony band audition. There is one tuba opening and I hope to get it. Unfortunately, I don't think I will simply because I have one equal and another tuba player that is better than me. So unless he messes up his audition, I probably won't get it. But maybe I'll just have a really good audition and I'll be able to play challenging music in band. I also am making up a piano test today at three o'clock. I probably won't do terrific at it, but I'll be happy if I can just get through them at this point. Tomorrow, I have a biology final in the morning and a music lit. final right after that. I'm really nervous about those because there's a very real possibility that they'll kick my ass. With that, I guess I start studying some more. Good luck to everybody else who has finals right now!


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