I finally got all my grades in this morning. I got A's in Marching Band, Concert Band, and Choral Music Education. I got A-'s in Conducting and Intro. to Musical Studies for Transfer Students. I got a B+ in my lessons and a C- in Music History. Although that is the lowest grade I've ever gotten in a class before, I couldn't be happier. It dropped my GPA down, but it's still good. All that matters is that I made it through my first quarter at Central intact. It is times like this though that I wish I got credit for my brass quintet and Brass Choir. I would get A's in those classes and they would help raise my GPA back up. How'd you all do on your grades? Everybody should comment on their worst grade they got this last term. It will make us all feel better seeing others stuggle in a certain subject.
I got a B in Music Lit. :)
Amanda, at 8:38 PM
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