Under Omache's Eye

Friday, November 19, 2004

Guess what happened this morning? The Registrar found my file and got my transfer stuff on the computer. Yay! Now I can schedule an appointment with my advisor so I can figure out what the hell I need to take still to graduate. Everything transferred, but I still need to find out if I can get out of taking some of the classes that I've already taken, but have different names. But guess how many credits I have? 194.5. Wow. Those are quarter credits by the way. For you guys on the semester system: 90 quarter credits = 60 semester credits. In other news, I went to the Chamber Orchestra Concert last night. They played four pieces and it lasted an hour and a half. I enjoyed the second half of the concert but the first half dragged on. To make matters worse, a whole bunch of children sat all around me. They were figiting and making noise. One of them even touched my head during the performance! During the intermission, I moved. I swear that when I have kids, I'm not going to bring them to concerts like this. You can't expect children to act with concert etiquette, they have too much energy. I remember when I was that age, I certainly didn't like going to my sister's ballet performances. It's up to the parents to understand that they shouldn't take away from the performance for the rest of the audience by bringing distractions.


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