Stupid Registrar
About five weeks ago I had gone to the registrar with some problems. On my Degree Progress Report, I still had no credits from before Central on it. It also still said that I was undeclared and a Freshman. They told me not to worry about it. I filled out a request form that would have them get it done and they said to expect results in about two weeks. Now it's time for registration for next quarter, and I still don't know what classes I still need to graduate. I talked to Joe Koski and he talked to them for me during my lesson time. After being transferred around to about four people, we finally were talking to the right person. Apparently, they had lost my file! They have no idea where it is. They're looking for it now at least. Joe is on their case for me. At least Admissions still has my transcripts. I'm telling you, the Registrar is filled with a bunch of idiots. Bah!
In other news, I have surpassed my requirement of forty etudes this quarter so I can now focus sole on my jury work. I need to jury up to the 200 level this quarter. For my jury, I'm playing excerpts from Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique and Damnation of Faust. I'm also playing movements 1, 2, and 4 of Persichetti's Sonata No. 12., and I have to play all my major scales in broken thirds. I can play them all now, but only about half of them are at the speed I need. Only three more weeks of class and finals week! I'm happy, this quarter went by quickly. They go a lot faster after you've been used to semesters for two years!
In other news, I have surpassed my requirement of forty etudes this quarter so I can now focus sole on my jury work. I need to jury up to the 200 level this quarter. For my jury, I'm playing excerpts from Berlioz' Symphonie Fantastique and Damnation of Faust. I'm also playing movements 1, 2, and 4 of Persichetti's Sonata No. 12., and I have to play all my major scales in broken thirds. I can play them all now, but only about half of them are at the speed I need. Only three more weeks of class and finals week! I'm happy, this quarter went by quickly. They go a lot faster after you've been used to semesters for two years!
I totally love quarters for that exact reason. If you get a class or teacher you don't like, it's over in no time. Also I like that I don't have as many things to focus on at one time--only three or four classes per quarter!
Hey, look, it's almost Thanksgiving! And after Thanksgiving, it's only two more weeks of school, including finals. Yay!
Rena, at 7:36 PM
Yeah, I only have to take like 8 classes a quarter, much better than the 11 or 12 I was taking at morehead.
Screeching Cedar, at 12:20 PM
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