Happy Halloween!
I have forgotten so many times today that today is Halloween. First of all, I had to fork up $550 for rent. Then I had to pay my accompanist $90 for the recital today. At least the recital went really well. I kicked ass at the Gregson Tuba Concerto. I do wish that my parents and Rena were able to make it though. But I understand that they are just as busy as me. It just seems like a waste of so much hard work and ninety bucks just to entertain a bunch of other music major, most of which are just there to get a recital punch. I was really happy with the performance on my piece though. I nailed every high E to perfection. Anyways, after Octubafest, I had my first rehearsal with my Brass Quintet. We still haven't thought of a name yet. I just finished all of my homework that's due tomorrow, unfortunately I still have a hell of a lot of studying to due for tomorrow's history exam on music in the Middle Ages. I will be surprised as hell if a pull a D out of the Listening Portion of the test. How am I supposed to know the genre, country, and composer of the works when they all sound exactly alike? Nonetheless know how to spell their names! So now you know what I have done for the entire day: study, practice, show up and hour early for Matt Woodfords recital because I forgot about Daylight Savings Time, practice some more, go to a recital, practice some more, perform the Gregson, finish watching the recital, rehearse with my quintent, walk to the music library to find out they don't open until seven, go home, study, walk back to the library and do my homework, and finally procrastinate the rest of my studying by writing a lengthy entry in my starved blog. I guess it is about time for me to go home and study some more. Damn Music History to the bowels of the Abyss! Happy Halloween!
Ah...the life of a music major, don't you just love it.
Francis, at 9:55 PM
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