So sore...
Happy Veteran's day everybody. I just played football for two hours today. So Sore. Ouchie. I did get a lot done so far today though. The only problem is that I still have lots of homework due Monday. Well, I have a rough draft for a term paper for music history due Monday. I haven't started writing it, but I have started researching! My paper is going to be on the Development of Wind Instruments before 1600. These last couple of days our building has been overrun by high school students. I hate choir festivals. Too many giggly choir girls for my liking. Some of them even tried to start up conversations with me! Can't they see that I want them to stop crowding up the halls and fall into a pit somewhere? Oh well, I got most of my choral music ed. homework done and I will finish it tonight. Once I stop procrastinating on my blog...
Is there a reason you can't use your paper from Music History II thta you wrote here?
Amanda, at 5:41 PM
Traugdor...those are two diffrent eras in time. History 1 covers antiquity to baroque. Chris's last term paper took place sometime between the Classical and the 20th centery. DON'T ASK STUPID QUESTIONS! hehe, sorry I couldn't resist. Thought I'd save Chris the trouble. ;)
Francis, at 10:06 PM
Actually Francis, my last term paper centered mostly in the Baroque period, however it is true that the reason I'm not allowed to write on it is because of the time period.
Screeching Cedar, at 11:20 AM
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