Under Omache's Eye

Monday, September 20, 2004

Short one

Hey everybody. I'm actually in the school's library right now, finding some time with the wonderful internet. God I've missed it. Unfortunately I can't talk for long, I have marching band rehearsal in a little bit. Anyways, tuba auditions are next Monday. If I can get my shit together by then, then I have a chance to get into the orchestra. If I can get into the orchestra, then I can drop out of Marching Band! That means I'll have my weekends free. That also means I won't have to go to homecoming, which falls on my mom's birthday. I want to spend that weekend in Port Orchard, especially seen as that's when my grandparents will be meeting my fiance. But not being in Marching Band will be a dream come true! I still have to do it this first week though, just in case I don't make it. Orchestra only take one, or if I'm lucky, two tubas. Anyways, off to marching band and first impressions!


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