Yeah, I know. I should be working on my research paper now. But I wanted to take a break. I've written a page and a half and the rest is going to come by faster. I needed to copy a couple of music excerpts at the library anyways. So to fill everybody in: my job search is sucking. I didn't get the job at Freddie's. I finally got ahold of the contact for the in home care giver positions today, just to find out that they've been filled. I have lost tract of how many places I have applied at. I heard that the north campus food court might need more dishwashers, so I'm going to check that out Monday or Tuesday. Registration for classes starts in the middle of next week and I don't even know what classes I still need to take to graduate! Fucking registrar. What a bunch of slackers. I'm going to talk to my advisor, maybe she'll have more luck with them than I have had. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do if I can't get a job. I could whore myself out to a hundred fat chicks for 1000 bucks each. Or a thousand really fat chicks for a hundred bucks. What? Fat chicks need luvin' to. But they gotta pay. LOL. I crack myself up. Hope everybody is having better luck in their lives than me. Bye.
3 Comments: screwed that quote up.
Francis, at 10:26 PM
Oops, the numbers are supposed to be switched, aren't they?
Screeching Cedar, at 1:20 PM
I believe the real quote goes, "you could whore yourself out to 1000 fat chicks for 50 dollars each. Or you could whore yourself out to 50 really fat chicks for 1000 bucks each.
Francis, at 9:12 PM
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