Boo on Music History
We got our history exams back today. Wow. 69%. Wow. Looking through it though, I think I should've gotten a better grade on a couple of parts. I deserved at least a 70%. We took a quiz today as well. It was on "personalities". In our syllabus, it list a whole bunch of names and whether they were artists, patrons of art, musicians, or architects. The quiz was matching. The choices were, musicians, patrons of art, government officials, architects, or sculptors. Notice the difference here. The only one that got me hung up was the artist category getting changed. Since I figured it would be safe to list "sculptors" for all the artists, I put that. Apparently, she through us a curve ball. Two of the artists listed were primarily painters, not sculptors. We were supposed to leave those to questions blank. Otherwise we get them wrong. Does anybody else think that this was a dirty trick? I'm so mad at the teacher. I have a hard enough time with the material without her purposely making it harder. Maybe she should learn to speak FLUENT English instead of broken English so I could actually understand what the hell she is saying. Bah!
Me Speaka No English! hehe...funny story from one of my tuba players I taught this summer at Mason Co. He yelled mother f*cker in the middle of class, and when the teacher said "excuse me!", he tried to take advantage of the fact he is Japanese and said "Me Speaka No English!"...yea, he got suspended for it.
Francis, at 8:13 PM
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