Under Omache's Eye

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Summer's here

I had to get an ultrasound taken today. They were checking on my liver and gallbladder. While they were doing the ultrasound, I asked them if I was pregnant. The younger one kind of forced a laugh out. I think they might of heard that joke one too many times. But I thought I was clever. That, or a smartass. After poking and prodding me for about twenty minutes, they gave me a towel so I could wipe the jelly off of my and let me put my shirt back on. I should be getting the results on Tuesday, even though I'll be up at camp.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning. I'm going to wake up, shower, eat, pack the bike, and leave. So don't expect any posts for awhile. I'll be coming back home in mid-August, or should I say leaving home to go back to my parent's house? Friday and Saturday, there will be an OA ordeal up at camp. I'm the lucky one(note the sarcasm) who gets to be the Taskmaster. I'm pretty sure my job is this: The Camp Director tell me what we wants done, and I give out the specific tasks to the DOMs. They, in turn, set their clans to work with those tasks and make sure they get done. The only thing I've ever done at ordeals were ceremonies, and those take place away from the rest of the work. On Sunday, the commemoration for the new totem pole will happen. There will be Haida dancing and everything. Even a salmon dinner. YUM! After that, me, Scott, and Ray will get to work on organizing Staff Week. Aaron also expressed some interest in becoming a commissioner for a week during the summer. I just need to talk to a few people and secure him a uniform, and he should be good. He'll be a good one also. He's a hard worker and understands that things need to get done. He's also not an old guy that creeps the rest of the staff at Sno-ho out. We've had more than our share of bad commissioners who think that their job is harder than ours. Just because they get three silver beads on their pouch doesn't mean they work any harder than an area staffer teaching four merit badges! Anywho, I'm really excited about this summer if you hadn't noticed already, and I figured that this should be a long post since it will be awhile before I post again. Out there, away from civilization, you can truly find yourself. You can feel free of the outside world. That is my home.


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