Under Omache's Eye

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Wedding Reception

This weekend was a really great time. Probably the best thing was being able to see so much of my family again. It had been about four years for most of them. The reception itself was pretty cool. Lots of dancing, and food. To top it all off, I got to beat up one of my cousins. He needed it. His mom actually wanted me to leave him bruises, but I'm a nice guy. I settled with just humiliating him in front of his girlfriend.

I went to Seattle yesterday with a couple of relatives. We spent most of the day at Pike Place Market. We got to see them throwing the salmon all around the place. After about a minute, I wasn't paying close attention to the guy throwing them, and I suddenly saw a fish coming at me! I caught it and then realized that he threw a fake fish at me. It was really funny. After that, we went and visited my girlfriend for about an hour. They really liked her, of course. Anyways, then we had go and catch the ferry back home. I'm going to be hanging out with a couple of friends today, catching up on old times.


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