Under Omache's Eye

Friday, March 12, 2004

Its Friday again! I love Fridays. I'm going to Shelby county tomorrow with the winterguard. I'm pretty excited about that, it was good times at the last competition. Anyways, there's only eight more days until I'm on a plane to Washington. Very exciting. Yesterday evening, me, my roommate, and my little went out looking for apartments. We found some pretty nice ones and they'll be a lot cheaper than living on campus since we'll be splitting rent three ways. All Francis has to do is convince his parents that it will be cheaper for them for us to live off campus. We'd actually be able to cook real food and not always have to eat the crap that they serve on campus. If the place is cheaper than where my little is living now, then he will just move in at the end of this semester. He's going to take summer classes. That would be really nice so I can leave my stuff there instead of leaving it all at someone else's house during the summer. It'll be so cool to live off campus with Francis and Logan. Anyways, I hope y'all have a great weekend. See ya.


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