Under Omache's Eye

Monday, March 08, 2004

I can't believe the weather. A couple of days ago, it was in the upper 70's. Today, it snowed. They were just flurries, but its supposed to snow tonight. Now don't get me wrong, I love sunny weather, but it would be awesome if classes got cancelled tomorrow. Its supposed to keep snowing into the day. Anyways, this next weekend I'm going to Shelby county with the winterguard. I have no clue where it is, but it should still be fun. I hope the winterguard does really good. Its exciting seen as we sucked last year. This year we're kickin though. I got a shirt I ordered last semester tonight. On the front it says "Cartmell Hall", which is the name of my dorm, but on the back it reads, "Giving you what you need, Morehead." Then below that, it says in a small font, "State University....". I think its pretty funny. Plus I get to show off where I went to school at when I'm in Washington. The sexual innuendos never end in Morehead!


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