Under Omache's Eye

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My lesson was cancelled this week. We're rescheduling it for Friday. I'm glad because I was not prepared for my lesson. *gasp*. That gave me the perfect excuse to walk to the library and spend some time on the internet. I finally got my blues scales memorized and I will try and pass them off tomorrow. Now I have three weeks to get my Mixolydian, Dorian, and Aeolin scales under my fingers. I can't say they aren't helping me though. Anyways, I have to finish writing a Fugue tonight that I started yesterday for Music History. I had a Sing and Play today and got a C on it. Pretty much, this week has been pretty crappy; but it will get a lot better starting tomorrow afternoon. I actually get to sleep in on Friday because my 8:00 is cancelled. The only thing I have to do this weekend is write a paper on my philosophy of music education and go to work. Not too shabby. Anyways, I can't wait.


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