Under Omache's Eye

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

The first day of classes is done. I have so many classes on Mondays. At eight o'clock I have Advanced Brass. I think this is going to be a really easy class. I need to learn how to play four instruments in the course of this semester. The first is the euphonium, which will be ridiculously easy seen as I'm a tuba player. The next instrument I have to learn is the trombone, which is almost exactly like the euphonium except that it uses a slide instead of valves. The French Horn is going to be the hardest instrument to learn because of its tiny mouthpiece and the fact that it is in the key of F instead of C or B flat. A whole bunch of new fingerings. The last instrument is the trumpet, which will also be pretty easy. I used to play the trumpet. The next class I have is Human Growth and Development, which is the last class I need for the TEP. Its a two hour class on Mondays and one hour on Wednesdays. The only thing that is going to be bad about the class is the long Mondays. Then I have Tuba/Euphonium Ensemble. This used to be a night class on Wednesdays, so its a little weird to have it during the day. I have Music History after that. This will be the class that required the most study time and book reading. After that, I have an hour and a half of rehearsal for Concert Band. We didn't have rehearsal yesterday because everybody needed to audition for it. Me and my roommate are the only two tubas that tried out for Concert Band so we both know that we're going to get in. I had a really good audition and I nailed my major scales for her. I'll find out what I got in an hour. Between seven and nine, I have University Chorus; which is the non-audition choir. I'm not a very good singer. I'm going to be singing baritone this semester. Of course, after all that, I have my Phi Mu Alpha meeting which always lasts a good portion of time. Now that is a long day. These are only half of my classes, so you people with only three or four classes need to stop complaining. I'm only getting fifteen credits this semester. Even though I have all of these classes, this semester already seems easier than usual simply for the fact that I'm done with Music Reading and Music Theory. I have considerably less classes today. Just Strings, Piano IV, Performance Class, and Concert Band. I'm glad because I have a paper due tomorrow that I need to start. It won't be very hard. I guess I'll update how my audition went and how the rest of my classes go later on.


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