Under Omache's Eye

Thursday, January 08, 2004

Yesterday was among one of my crappier days of travel in my lifetime. I wake up at 2:30 in the morning and we leave to the airport at 3:00. We get at the airport at 4:15 and I stand in line for Northwest Airlines. They're late and when they finally do get there, they tell me that Continental is handling my flight and I need to stand in their line. When I finally get through the line, I run into more trouble. My name is still on the TSA list and they need to run a background check on me. I finally got my ticket at about 6:00. My flight was supposed to leave at 6:15. I actually got through security rather quickly and made it to my terminal a little bit before 6:15. Unfortunately, our plane is coming from Alaska and is delayed many hours. We don't leave until 8:30. We land in Houston at about 2:30 which is far past the time when my next flight left at 1:10. So I catch the next flight which isn't until 7:30. I finally land in Lexington at 10:30. I was originally supposed to arrive at 4:20. We eat on the way home and get back in Morehead a little after midnight. After unpacking and catching up on old times with my roommate, I didn't get to sleep until after 2:30. I wake up at 7:15, because I have work at eight. I get to work and it turns out that my aunt didn't fill out my paperwork for me to work. They were really busy earlier in the week and she needed to get someone else to work. I don't blame my aunt, I'm just going to miss the money that I would of earned. Anyways, I'm just about broke once again. I was only able to afford one of my books. It cost me $75 used; and that was just one of the books for that class. The rest of my books are for music classes and I should be able to share my friend's books until my next paycheck in four weeks. I hate being broke. Maybe I can convince my parents to buy a couple of my books for me... Anyways, believe it or not, I'm actually having fun with my friends back here. I missed them and there's a lot of catching up. Classes start up again on Monday...


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