Under Omache's Eye

Monday, November 24, 2003

I know, its been awhile since my last post. I've been so busy that I just couldn't spend any more time writing more. I need to practice a lot more. I'm so tired of playing the piano. I hate it because I suck at it so much. Right now I'm busy trying to memorize playing all of my harmonic and melodic minor scales on my tuba for the end of the semester. I had a biology test this morning that I had studied for last night like 5 hours. I think I did pretty good on it at least. Other than all that, I still have to write an 8-10 page term paper for music theory. I don't even have the piece analyzed yet. I need to finish it Thanksgiving Break and turn it in next week. That's going to be really hard. Right now, I don't even care if I do a good job at it, I just want to get it done. I procrastinate too much. This being my fourth year of college, you'd think that I would have learned by now that I shouldn't procrastinate. Yet I do it every semester and every single time it reaches up and bites me in the ass. Oh well, hopefully I'll learn some day. It has been in the 70's for a week now. Today it started snowing a little. It's so cold outside. I can't believe that it can drop over 40 degrees in one day. Its in the upper 20's right now. So cold.


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