Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving break starts today! The good news is that I'm getting out of Morehead. The bad news is that I don't get to go home. I'm going to go home with one of my brothers, Denny Rust. Its going to be a blast. I'm very excited about being out of school for a week and eating real food. I only wish I could have thanksgiving with my family and my girlfriend; alas, they are 2500 miles away. Oh well, going home and spending Thanksgiving with a brother is the next best thing and I'm excited. Besides, I get to go home in less than three weeks! That's such a small time compared to the over four months I have already spent here. I can't wait! I turn twenty in 12 days now, but I'm not nearly as excited for my birthday as I am for the break when I get to finally go home. No one should ever take for granted being able to go home and spend time with you family. I hope everybody has a great Thanksgiving.
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