Well, where to start? Classes have been going well this quarter. Octubafest a couple of weeks ago went great. I played the first two movements of Jonathan Green's When We Were Giants. I was very happy with my performance. I also had my Brass Choir Concert last Wednesday. That went well. Also a couple of weeks ago, Rena and I got Civilization IV! It's such an awesome game. I've already beaten the game as the Arabians and the Egyptians. Work has been a different story. We got a new guy named Ryan in the dishroom. The first couple of weeks I cut him some slack because I figured he just had a slower learning curve. But, seriously, holy crap! I can't believe how lazy he is. He's been working there six weeks now and completely useless. He will literally just watch dishes go down the line and wait for someone else to wash them. And that's when he is at work. In the past three weeks, he has skipped work six times! How is it that he hasn't been fired yet?! It's not like there aren't people looking for a job in Ellensburg. Being lazy and undependable are probably the two worst traits you can find in a person that's supposed to be doing a job. A couple of weeks ago, I actually went off on him because left me also in the dishroom for twenty minutes during busy time. If he shows up tonight, I'm going to ask him why he doesn't just quit. He obviously doesn't need the money; if he did, he would come to work. I hate slackers. On to other matters, Rena and I are keeping a look out for cheap airline tickets. The cheapest so far is $300 each to Louisville. But we can't afford to visit Morehead this December unless those prices drop about another fifty dollars each. I really hope they do. I really feel like I need to visit my brothers in Kentucky. With that I leave thee with these parting words: Work for Sinfonia and Sinfonia will work for you; Live for Sinfonia and Sinfonia will live for you; Once a Sinfonian, Always a Sinfonian, Long Live Sinfonia!
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