Catching Up
Well, I'm marraid now. The wedding was great. It was really nice to be able to see a lot of my relatives again, although I wish I could've spent a bit more time with them. I want to put a special thanks out to my Best Man and Groomsmen, who have supported me throughout the years. After the wedding, Rena and I went to a Bed and Breakfast in Gig Harbor. Wow. Our bathroom could fit inside its shower. The bed was so comfortable and had a great view. We had a three-course meal for breakfast which ended with fried bananas with ice cream. It was amazing. I couldn't be happier right now with my personal life.
Now to something that might make some of my Kentucky friends sad. I'm changing my major. I'm changing it from Music Education to Bachelor of Arts. I have lost my passion for music and I just can't see myself doing it for a living anymore. I still think music is a wonderful thing, but I just can't do it anymore. I would like to quote fellow Sinfonian Bradley Byrum right now: "I think sometimes people forget why we make music. That we do it because it is fun." I did not come to this decision lightly. I talked to my tuba professor about it many times. But the more I thought about it, the more the idea makes me happy. A feeling I haven't been experiencing much at school. Don't feel bad for me, I want this change to occur in my life. I have come to a fork in the road and I have made my choice on which path to tred.
Anyways, the quarter is almost over. Classes are finished and I just have to survive finals week. I have my Double Reed Methods final, my jury, General Music Method Review, Ethnic Awareness final paper, and my make-up for choir. The choir thing is going to suck big time. I have to be able to sing this other piece of music a capella because I was unable to attend the concert because of my wedding. How annoying. But after next week, I'll be free. We'll move up to camp and get things ready for the summer. On the 15th, we're going to pick up Traugott, one of my friends from Kentucky. I'm very excited to see her again and to show her my beautimus (thank you Francis) state. Two days after that, Camp School starts and I'll be busy the rest of the summer. Maybe I'll post before that, but maybe not. If not, then I hope everybody has an awesome summer!
Now to something that might make some of my Kentucky friends sad. I'm changing my major. I'm changing it from Music Education to Bachelor of Arts. I have lost my passion for music and I just can't see myself doing it for a living anymore. I still think music is a wonderful thing, but I just can't do it anymore. I would like to quote fellow Sinfonian Bradley Byrum right now: "I think sometimes people forget why we make music. That we do it because it is fun." I did not come to this decision lightly. I talked to my tuba professor about it many times. But the more I thought about it, the more the idea makes me happy. A feeling I haven't been experiencing much at school. Don't feel bad for me, I want this change to occur in my life. I have come to a fork in the road and I have made my choice on which path to tred.
Anyways, the quarter is almost over. Classes are finished and I just have to survive finals week. I have my Double Reed Methods final, my jury, General Music Method Review, Ethnic Awareness final paper, and my make-up for choir. The choir thing is going to suck big time. I have to be able to sing this other piece of music a capella because I was unable to attend the concert because of my wedding. How annoying. But after next week, I'll be free. We'll move up to camp and get things ready for the summer. On the 15th, we're going to pick up Traugott, one of my friends from Kentucky. I'm very excited to see her again and to show her my beautimus (thank you Francis) state. Two days after that, Camp School starts and I'll be busy the rest of the summer. Maybe I'll post before that, but maybe not. If not, then I hope everybody has an awesome summer!
One: Bachelor of Arts of what? As in, I'm getting a Bachelor of Arts in Music with a minor in Psychology...
Two: My dad had me pack a camera so that I can show him your beautimous state as well.
Three: I'm bringing my clarinet with me. Surprise....
Amanda, at 11:14 AM
I'm getting a Bachelor of Arts in Music, and I don't need a minor. I'm going to graduate in Winter quarter, easily. Good call on the camera, it's really nice up here(minus the eastern part of the state. Good luck finding time to practice this summer. It shouldn't be too bad though because clarinets are quiet. I'm not even going to bother bringing my tuba up this summer.
Screeching Cedar, at 5:13 PM
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Anonymous, at 10:22 AM
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