Well, I don't have a good excuse why I haven't posted in awhile other than that I'm lazy. Let's see, Rena and I visited the West Side last week. We visited my parents for a day, and Rena's brother for a day. The next day we spent up at camp running a COPE event. Those are always fun. Classes start on Wednesday and I actually ready to start. I've been just so bored that I need something to do. I can't even start work until classes start. I am really excited about starting up my swing lessons again. We are moving up to Intermediate Level lessons this quarter and Rena is also going to go through the Beginner lessons so she can learn how to lead. I hope classes are going well with you readers from Kentucky too! You guys should come visit sometime.
Buy my plane ticket and I will come visit. ;)
Francis, at 3:22 PM
post more! the burninator demands it!
Amanda, at 7:39 PM
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